Monroe High School Counseling

Monroe High School Counseling Department
Welcome to the Monroe High School counseling department. This website is designed to provide you with a variety of information. Our department offers a range of services from academic and college/career planning to social/emotional guidance.
Monroe Local School District Counseling Curriculum and Plan of Services
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 7:40 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Students and parents can contact their counselor via email or phone to request a meeting. Students can meet with their counselor in-person when they are in the building by request. Parent meetings can be held via zoom or phone call. Phone number: (513) 539-8473
Miss Dahn (Grades 9-11 last names A-L):
Mrs. Talbot (Grades 9-11 last names M-Z):
Mrs. Laforest (12th grade & CCP):
Mrs. Long (Assessment Coordinator, Grades 9-12):
Mrs. Wehry (MJHS/MHS Counseling Secretary):

Miss Dahn

Mrs. Talbot

Mrs. Laforest

Mrs. Long
Assessment Coordinator/School Counselor, Grades 9-12

Mrs. Wehry
MJHS/MHS Counseling Office Secretary