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Resources for Families

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Resources for Families

Mar 18, 2020
Monroe Bee Mascot Logo

Need help applying for SNAP (food stamps) - contact Peter Engelhard 513-276-9188 from the SNAP Outreach Team at Shared Harvest.

STAPLES Office Supply Stores in Ohio are offering free printing of school packets. Retail stores are open and families that are unable to print their school packets at home may come to the printing services area of the store where STAPLES has computers available for use. You may access the documents from your school district site and print them out at the store. The link provides a directory of all STAPLES locations in Ohio. 

Spectrum is providing free broadband for 60 days for households without existing service that have K-12 age children or college students to allow for remote learning opportunities.  Check out their site for more details.

Utilities have suspended disconnection for families that may experience hardships during this time.  

Duke Energy

City of Hamilton

Butler Rural

City of Middletown

Ohio Job and Family Services has information related to unemployment benefits for people unable to work due to mandatory closures, information related to how to apply are here.

Talking with Your Child About the Coronavirus

Manage Anxiety and Stress resource from the CDC

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