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From the Principal

Dear Monroe Elementary School Parents,

I want to introduce myself as the new principal of Monroe Elementary School. Our district superintendent, Kathy Demers, has offered me the position with the approval of our Board of Education, and I have graciously accepted it with much excitement and anticipation. 

I have spent the last 12 years of my 18-year career in the Monroe Local School District. After six years of teaching math and coaching football at Colerain High School, I came to Monroe where I also taught high school math and coached football. In 2014, I became the assistant principal for grades 7-12 and was promoted to Monroe Junior High Principal in 2016. 

While my entire career has been at the secondary level, I have two of my own kids who are in 4th and 2nd grade. Helping them with their school work and coaching their sports teams has given me insight into the world of an elementary student. In my career, I have seen how a strong elementary experience is the foundation for success at the secondary level. 

My time in education has taught me the importance of learning about each child’s personality, strengths, and weaknesses to guide them to be their very best. We don’t just teach content found in the state standards. We teach your children, and each child needs something unique to him or her. It is our job as educators to connect with each child to determine what they need and meet this need in an enriching and engaging way. As a principal, it is my goal to give the staff resources and support so they can give your children the best experience possible. 

Monroe Elementary is one of the highest achieving elementary schools in Butler County. Our phenomenal staff is committed to helping students grow in every area of their life. I am excited to join this team and will work tirelessly to assist students to reach new heights and continue the tradition of excellence that this elementary school has shown time and time again. 


Joe Ward (


Monroe Elementary School

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